
99皇冠手机版 - Client Reviews and Travel Testimonials

Our clients love to travel and share their experiences with others. Please see recent vacation reviews:

tyler miller ocean coral and turquesa

Name: Tyler Miller

Travel Consultant: Valerie Sondergeld

Trip Destination: Ocean Coral and Turquesa -Mexico

OCT很棒. Everything we expected and more. 最突出的是我们在那里的整个时间里都得到了出色的服务. Staff went out of their way to be nice, make sure that our rooms were clean, and our drinks were cold. The hotel was very clean, the nighttime shows were great, and the beach/ocean was beautiful and clean. We will definitely go back some time. Thanks for all the help guys!

cole family un cruise 2017
The Cole Family in Alaska
Name: Sharon Cole, Findlay OH

My Travel Consultant is: 艾米斯图尔特

Trip Destination: Alaska - Yachter Alaskan Frontier

Our family recently returned from Alaska and it was fantastic! We were one hundred percent satisfied. 我们乘坐从朱诺出发的游猎探险号往返于Un-Cruise Adventures. We experienced the Icy Strait,
奇查戈夫岛、巴拉诺夫岛、弗雷德里克湾、霍顿港和恩迪科特臂弯. We saw incredible wildlife and did so many fun things together. It was an amazing trip!

"I know I mentioned Ellen Foreman-Elkins before as my travel agent, well here is what she did for me the last few days. 她注意到我的航班时间有变化,并联系我通知我这些变化,确保我能赶上转机航班. 万一我错过了航班,有一个航班在等待我乘坐. Now that is customer service! 知道她在看着我,并确保我能回家,这让我感觉好多了. 我跟你说,找一家旅行社,你就能完全安心了. 我有更多的旅行计划,我向你保证艾伦和中央旅行社会处理好细节." - Rodney Statham, Royal Palm Beach, FL
Name: Ann Michaelis, Malinta OH

My Travel Consultant is: 玛丽莲·诺尔斯

Trip Destination: Norwegian Gem from NYC

How sweet of you to check back! 我们很喜欢!!! 谢谢你的升级,非常喜欢阳台,10楼是一个很好的位置!! 孩子们都住在不同的甲板上,很高兴他们有他们的房间,我们有我们的. It was an awesome trip, all of us had a great time. I would recommend NCL to anyone, 甚至我那些担心NCL不会成为一艘派对船的上大学的女儿们也喜欢它, NYC people are so friendly and fun!! NCL的工作人员是滑稽的(喜欢丹丹的CD和纳乔助理. CD)每个人都很高兴为你服务,并确保你参与其中,度过了一段美好的时光. 很多食物的选择永远不会让你感到饥饿或口渴,这是肯定的. Loved the freestyle dining, 食物很棒! 总是和夜间表演有关然后是休息室里的游戏节目主题. 之后,女孩们去了夜总会,与剧组人员和所有其他客人玩得很开心. 太有趣了! Thanks for all your help and assistance, 能提前问你问题让我觉得很自在. 我很乐意让你使用所有这些作为评论,无论是NCL和/或中央旅行. Would recommend parking right there at that ship, definitely was more convenient than taking cab from a hotel. 只有9岁.开车5小时到纽约,从57街的假日酒店到码头很简单,开车5分钟.

虽然花了很多钱,但既然我们留下了那么多回忆,我觉得还是值得的. YOLO!! Hope to do again in the future! Thanks for everything! 你获得了一个终身的客户,我也一定会把别人推荐给你.

Tour of Italy 2014
Name: Julie Marciniak-DiBenedetto

My Travel Consultant is: Dianne柯

Trip Destination: Italy

“My husband and I experienced the most romantic honeymoon in Italy! 两周的幸福时光,游览威尼斯、佛罗伦萨、罗马和卡普里岛. Dianne柯, from the Central Avenue Office, was our agent and she put together the most AMAZING trip for us. I highly recommend Dianne to all new customers! 她很乐意取悦我们,对我们的特殊需求也很乐于助人. As a first time international travelers, 我丈夫和我有一次最浪漫的旅行,这在一定程度上归功于黛安对每一个细节的关注! We loved our trip and can't wait to book again with Dianne!”


Name: Kaitlin Switzer, Defiance OH

My Travel Consultant is: 雪莉考夫曼

Trip Destination: Cancun Riviera Maya


"I was overwhelmed and amazed with our vacation. 俄亥俄州中央旅行社的雪莉·考夫曼是我的经纪人她把我们照顾得很好 . 她建议我们去6个金苹果,我们直到前一天才知道我们的度假村,我非常高兴!!!!!! I would suggest anyone doing this deal. It was inexpensive but the resort (现在是杰德·里维埃拉) was insane!!!! I never thought we would end up in such an amazing place!!!!! Thank you 1000 times to Sherry!——凯特琳

现在是杰德·里维埃拉 Cancun Resort & Spa features 550 spacious and contemporary suites, 包括提供特别服务和便利设施的专属优选俱乐部区. This elegant resort also has 5 premier and themed restaurants, 自助餐, and bistro—all not requiring reservations; 5 bars and lounges; a wide variety of activities; a Explorer's Kids Club; full- service spa and beauty salon; state-of-the-art theater; and more.

8629173源自Name: Fred Gohlke, Findlay OH

My travel consultant is: 艾米斯图尔特


The Best of Britain & Ireland with Cosmos. This trip exceeded our expectations. 酒店, for the most part, 是优秀的, 食物很棒, the tour guide was excellent, and side trips were fun and informative. Would recommend this trip to others.

1199288名称:比尔 & 林恩•米勒
Trip Destination: Windstar's Wind Surf Caribbean Sailing
My travel consultant is: Sarah Rosenberger, CTA, DS, Holland OH

The trip was great. We flew down to St Maarten for two days before boarding the ship. Phillipsburg, St Maarten was very nice. 喜力帆船赛在城里举行,每天都有数百艘帆船参加比赛. Big parties every night. 这艘船真的很好,很小,一切都很有个人风格. Only 230 passengers and 184 crewmembers. 每天都是在那些大船永远无法到达的小地方度过的. 在维尔京戈尔达,船停泊在苦尾酒店附近,这是一个美丽的孤立的酒店在岛的西端. 在刺梨岛上烧烤,那里有酒吧和海滩,但就这些吗. 然而,至少有七八十艘游艇和帆船停泊在那里. There was a disco at the Bitter End hotel and several bars. The rooms at the hotel went for $500 to $1,000 a night.

这艘船从一个港口到另一个港口不需要走很远,所以实际上航行的时间并不多. 当它移动时,它是在帆下的,这使得航行非常稳定,而且很好看. Met lots of nice people. 大多数是老年人,其中一半人以前曾乘坐过几次“风之星”游轮. There were a few newlyweds. 没有孩子.

这艘船在外面抛锚,提供了非常周到的服务. 还有一些我从未听说过的地方,比如约斯特·范·戴克、莱斯·桑特斯和索珀洞. Stops at St Kitts and St Barths were a bit larger.

The only pain was picking up our baggage in Atlanta. Took three hours to get out of the airport. Only took three and a half hours to fly back. Didn't even have to go through Customs. 麻烦的只是把行李卸下来送到认领处.

The Divi at Little Bay Resort was very nice. 庄园里的堡垒是必看的景点,尽管没有人对它说太多. 从那里可以看到菲利普斯堡、大湾和小湾的美景. 我们只有一次不愉快的经历(除了亚特兰大的行李提取处)。. The Divi has both timeshare and hotel accommodations. 我们发现旅馆房间里的床凹凸不平,中间下垂. Very uncomfortable. 他们在第一天晚上就把它取下来了,替换的效果也好不到哪里去. By luck of the draw, 我们在游轮上遇到的其他一些人住在分时度假房间里,他们说那里的床还不错. 如果我回来, 我会让我的旅行社利用她的资源帮我们订一间分时度假公寓. The beach at Divi is great. Nice beach bar and restaurant also. Snorkeling and scuba areas are right there.


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